Friday, January 17, 2014

Friday Favorites!

This week just came and went in a blur. I truly can't remember much since Sunday.   Does that ever happen to you? Oh well... here are a few things I do remember:

Favorite moment:

Going out to lunch after Bible study on Wednesday for Lottie's 2nd birthday! Ben came to meet us, and we had a great time!

Favorite Moment with God:

Hard to pick one, but it was great to get back to Bible Study Fellowship after a long Christmas break plus weather cancellation. We are studying Matthew, and I am more and more amazed at Jesus. 

Favorite Food:

Olives and Wine's Peanut butter berry bars It's a peanut butter and jelly granola bar!

Favorite Friend Moment:

Girls' Night at Misty's. We watched Pitch Perfect (because we all love to sing!), and ate an amazing dinner. Fun times (no pic... we were too busy laughing!)!

Favorite Reads:

Becky Crenshaw "The Worldwide Webs We Weave" So convicting and well-stated. Her blog is awesome!
Barbara H's book review of Lisa Terkeurst's "Unglued."  I've been considering reading this book, and now I will have to!

Happy Friday! We are looking forward to Lottie's party on Saturday, leading our Bible Study on Sunday morning, and possibly skiing on Sunday afternoon. What do you have planned?
Lottie stole my hat! And me, sans make-up!


  1. Aw, happy birthday, Lottie! This was such a fun post, I enjoyed getting a peek into your favorites of the week. I read onto a few other posts and feel SO at home here. Your sweetness and honesty are edifying to this girl. I've been prayerful to find more likeminded, married-mama blog friends, and it was a blessed to get your follow in Twitterland. :) Thank you! And I look forward to following your bloggings, friend!

  2. Thanks, so much, Jen! Your comment encourages me!

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOTTIE!!!! Thanks for the shout out friend! I have unglued on my ipad... let me see if I can share it with you!
